Saki The Photosmith

Age: 33
Race: Miqo'te
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Interested In: Female
Alignment: True Neutral
Occupation: EX Mercenary & Nomad | Photographer for hire


♪ Matriarch ♪♪ Photography ♪♪ Music ♪♪ Strong stomach ♪


♪ Socializing ♪♪ Ladies ♪♪ Sweets ♪♪ Foul scent ♪

Calm, collected, independent, formal, professional

Roleplay Hooks

Bright Career

Saki is dedicated photographer for hire.She has long since retired from being a hired gun & nomad, and now prefers to stay within residential areas where she can enjoy her company with friends.It is her greatest joy seeing the clients happy with her work.


She is not only a photographer, but a journeyman engineer who continues to practice her art in infusing Aetheryte essence into photos, bringing them to life within the frame.It is dangerous work however, small explosions are not uncommon if the amount of Aetheryte essence is overwhelming.The delicate and dangerous process of developing Aetherphotos explains the bandages she can sometimes be wrapped in.

Questionable Soup

There seem to be many whispers among the city streets that suggest Saki used to devour Lalafell for food, but only handful of people knows the truth.Rumor has it that she carries her 'restaurant' business card under her pocket as a fond memoir to her very day.

Story (Update coming soon)

Saki's earliest memory is the comforting touch of her father's warm hand. Though she can't recall his appearance, she vividly remembers the sight of people acknowledging both her and her father as they traversed the bustling streets of Kugane. Her father, a prosperous business traveler, effortlessly navigated the realms of Xaela, Raen, and the city of Kugane.Despite owning a mansion with numerous butlers, Saki considered the streets of Kugane her true home. She disliked how the butlers treated her like royalty and instead found solace in sword fighting and playing soldiers with the other children of the streets. Saki displayed remarkable talent in these pursuits, yet her household paid little attention. If she returned home with scraped knees or bruises, the butlers attended to her injuries dutifully, as if following their master's order—Saki's father.On her tenth birthday, everything changed when she received a genuine weapon: a small pocketknife. Initially confused by the gift, Saki realized the weight of the iron in her hand symbolized her father's recognition of her maturity—a realization that brought her immense satisfaction. Following a grand birthday celebration, Saki was led to the basement for another "special gift" from her father. It was a bloodied remnant of a small rat, barely clinging to life. Her father explained that in this ever-changing world, she would need to learn self-defense or, at the very least, overcome her fear of blood. On her tenth birthday, Saki managed to extinguish a shimmering candle."Trust me child, you are doing 'em a favor by ending his pain."
~ Saki's father

After her tenth birthday, Saki embarked on a rigorous physical training regimen under her father's guidance. Each year, he presented her with increasingly larger knives as she dedicated herself to mastering swordsmanship. Moreover, her father would prepare a "special gift" in the form of a bigger creature to challenge her skills. Saki relished the attention she received from her father whenever she successfully dispatched these animals. However, deep down, she sensed something peculiar about their relationship, as if her father continually expected something greater from her. Desiring to earn his acknowledgment, Saki rapidly absorbed every lesson taught to her on the streets of Kugane.Despite participating in numerous competitions, engaging in bounty hunting, and dutifully fulfilling her responsibilities at such a young age, Saki's father seemed largely indifferent to her accomplishments. It felt as though he merely checked them off his list without genuine recognition. As the days turned into years, Saki began to question the reason behind her enforced training from the very beginning. On her eighteenth birthday, she was bestowed with a proper samurai sword. It was then that she decided it was her place to seek answers and requested a sit-down conversation with her father to understand the purpose behind eight years of relentless training. However, when the time for the audience with her father arrived, Saki realized she was not adequately prepared for what lay ahead."No, I will not be dismissed until I get my answers, father."

"I am so sorry, dear child."
~Saki's father
As Saki entered the tearoom, she was met with an oppressive atmosphere. Her father confirmed that it was her eighteenth birthday, which also marked the final day of his 'contract' with the Garlean Empire. He introduced himself using a name Saki had never heard before and disclosed that he was merely a business merchant who had made a dark pact with the Garlean Empire. According to the terms of the pact, he had been tasked with raising an orphan capable enough to join the Garlean Empire's Reinforced Battalion, a formidable army. Saki's combat abilities would be put to the test through various trials. Despite the guilt evident in his voice, her father's words rang true, confirming her suspicions. A trembling merchant informed Saki that Garlean personnel would arrive the next morning to take her away.Saki's former father admitted and confessed one crucial detail. He had anticipated that this day would bring him freedom, but he felt no sense of liberation whatsoever. Over the past decade, an overwhelming guilt had grown within him. He constantly reminded himself that Saki was not his daughter but rather an orphan who could have perished on the streets. However, having a 'daughter' who continuously strived to prove herself to her 'dad' had disrupted his fixed perception of the situation. He confessed that having Saki in his life had been the greatest joy, and he lamented what was about to befall her.Leaving the tearoom, Saki picked up her birthday gift and stepped outside, only to be greeted by familiar faces—the butlers of the mansion she had called home. All six of them were armed, and in a peculiar way, they were more dangerous than anyone else. After all, they had practically trained Saki since she was ten years old. Despite her best efforts, Saki fell hard without managing to land a single scratch on any of them."Get the hell out of my way before I cut you all down."

When Saki regained consciousness, she found herself imprisoned in a cage within the confines of Castrum Abania—a core weapon research compound. The Garlean engineers subjected her to a series of grueling tests, her body trapped and defenseless. The compound was infamous for conducting horrific experiments involving Magitek and humanoid mechanics. Confusion and rage consumed Saki as she attempted to escape her dire situation, but her efforts proved futile. The engineers regarded her like an animal, finding amusement in her outbursts and increasing the dosage of unknown chemicals being infused into her body. From that day forward, Saki was referred to as "number 13."For an entire year, she endured repetitive tests, focusing on her strength, muscles, and other physical capabilities. Initially, there were numerous subjects like her, but their numbers rapidly diminished as the training intensified. Saki noticed substantial improvements in herself, even without examining the test results. She was performing at a level she once believed to be near impossible. Although she made various attempts to escape in the beginning, she eventually resigned herself to the fact that there was no place to return to, no family-home awaiting her. In the meantime, she trained relentlessly, preparing to face the enemies of the Garlean Empire—the Eorzean Alliance.During her final days at Castrum Abania, she was pitted against another female specimen, designated as number 5, in a competition to determine who would receive a special weapon from the Garlean Empire and serve as an operator in the Special Weapon Battalion. The competition was a straightforward duel.After a fierce clash, Saki emerged as the victor, standing over number 5, bloodied but alive. However, one of the graders pointed out that the duel was not yet over since her opponent was still breathing. The grader's words echoed those of Saki's supposed father figure: "You are doing 'em a favor by ending her misery, number 13." Without hesitation, Saki decapitated number 5 with a stoic expression. The authorities, graders, and even the scientists observing the duel erupted in rejoicing applause. However, their applause did not signify congratulations for Saki's victory. Instead, it stemmed from their satisfaction that they finally had a subject who passed their ultimate test—a test involving the guilt of murder."No, it wasn't hard at all... I am used to this, thanks to my father."

Months later, Saki found herself engaged in battle against the Eorzean Alliance within the Ghimlyt Dark. Her cherished katana was nowhere to be found, but she adapted to using magitek weapons with increased efficiency. Driven by a resolute intention to kill, she fought relentlessly on the battlefield until she encountered the Warrior of Light.The situation for the Empire was dire, but this was no surprise to Saki. She had recognized the Empire's weakening position ever since the fall of Castrum Abania by the hands of the Warrior of Light. Saki knew that her days were numbered as the Eorzean Alliance continued to grow in strength and numbers. Nevertheless, she persisted by fighting, killing, and carrying out assassinations of high-ranking officers. Yet, her efforts proved ineffective against the united forces of Eorzea. Eventually, the final order was transmitted to all surviving Garlean Empire forces: retreat and regroup.After witnessing the demise of the Soranus sisters, Saki attempted to escape the battlefield of Ghimlyt. However, she soon discovered that she was being pursued by Yugiri the Mistwalker. Yugiri had been keeping a watchful eye on Saki long before Saki even realized it, recognizing their shared trait as Au Ra females. Furthermore, their combat abilities bore striking similarities. Saki fought fiercely to evade capture, but once Yugiri joined the hunt against her, Saki's advanced magitek weaponry proved futile against the seasoned ninja from Doma. The Mistwalker encountered the familiar techniques of Doman martial arts in Saki's close-quarter combat skills. Despite lacking a sword, Saki managed to push back against Yugiri's oppressive tactics, showcasing her samurai training. However, a samurai without a sword could not contend with the deadly blade of the Mistwalker. After subduing Saki, Yugiri admitted that she could have been the one to meet her demise had Saki possessed a close-quarter combat weapon instead of relying solely on ranged magitek weaponry."Tie her down, and take her back to our operating ground, ALIVE."
~Yugiri the Mistwalker

Upon crossing over to the Alliance side, Saki was met with a hostile and repugnant welcome from the Alliance soldiers. Many recognized her as the perpetrator behind numerous murders and spoke of seeking retribution, even suggesting hanging or killing her as a form of poetic justice. However, Yugiri had different intentions for Saki. Initially, she accused Saki of betrayal towards the Eorzean Alliance. But as Saki explained her true identity and background, clarifying that she had no affiliation with any of the Grand Companies or the tribes of Raen and Xaela, it became evident that her situation was unique.Yugiri, recognizing Saki's distinctiveness, concluded that she must have been one of the weaponized products from Castrum Abania. The Mistwalker was astounded by the extent of the "research" that had been conducted on Saki's body within the confines of the compound."By the seven heavens, what happened to you?"
-Yugiri the Mistwalker
As the days passed, Yugiri observed Saki's demeanor in her cell, noticing her calm and composed presence. Saki seemed to simply wait for her inevitable fate, showing no signs of loyalty or resistance. Yugiri understood that Saki was merely fulfilling the role she had been raised and trained for by the Empire. However, others within the Alliance remained skeptical of Yugiri's perspective on Saki.During one night, an assassination attempt was made on Saki, but it was swiftly thwarted. This incident prompted Yugiri to recognize the deep-seated grudge held by the Alliance soldiers against Saki. She also pondered the extent of Saki's skill with a sword. It was then decided that Saki would face a public execution, authorized by Yugiri. On the designated day, Saki was bound and made to kneel at the center of a gathered crowd. A sharp katana, still sheathed in its wooden scabbard, was placed in front of her. The spectators eagerly awaited the poetic justice they believed would be served through Saki's execution. However, just as the moment of execution arrived, Yugiri opened her mouth to speak.

"Is she guilty for what she has done? Any of you who can prove it, prove it."
~Yugiri the Mistwalker
Yugiri released the rope that bound Saki, setting her free once again with the sword in front of her. However, Saki remained motionless, displaying no immediate reaction. Sensing the tension in the air, Yugiri reached for the katana, drawing the blade and displaying it to the crowd. She then threw the empty scabbard toward Saki, who caught it with a stoic expression.Yugiri announced that any soldiers who sought revenge against Saki were welcome to do so. However, she emphasized that Saki had committed no punishable crime, as she had been raised and used by the Empire. Saki was only permitted to defend herself with the wooden scabbard, which had been skillfully carved with a grip resembling a practice bokken, a wooden training sword. This work had been done by Yugiri herself, in an effort to assist Saki in handling the "wooden sword." Yugiri added that this was Saki's final opportunity to experience true freedom, to make her own choices for the first time in her life. If Saki chose to surrender and accept the Alliance's wrath, she was free to do so as well.For a few moments, Saki's gaze fell to the ground. Then, with a determined resolve, she slowly rose to her feet, aided by the wooden scabbard. The atmosphere grew still as all eyes focused on Saki's movement. Finally, Yugiri concluded with her words, leaving the next course of action in Saki's hands."The only thing you learned is how to kill, but you may not kill any of my soldiers today. Earn your freedom, prove that you deserve a second chance."
~~Yugiri the Mistwalker

As Saki stood in the center of the circle, defeating opponent after opponent with only the broken scabbard in her hand, she couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling in her heart. There was a growing realization that she couldn't quite grasp. The fights intensified as larger and more formidable opponents took their turns facing Saki. Despite her injuries and exhaustion, she fought on, surprising even Yugiri with her endurance, thanks in part to the Garlean enhancements within her body.Finally, Saki faced her ninth opponent, who was hailed as the strongest warrior that Yugiri's quarter had to offer. The remaining half of Saki's broken scabbard was no match for her opponent's skill and strength, but she improvised, using the sharp ends to inflict a deep wound in his left thigh. Saki's own body was battered and bleeding, her legs covered in cuts, and weariness weighed heavily upon her. With the defeat of the strongest opponent, no one in the crowd was willing to step forward to face her. Saki surveyed the onlookers, breathing heavily, and was met with eyes filled with hatred, fear, and disgust. In that moment, something inside her heart snapped, and she was consumed by a wave of rage."Yes, I did! I killed them all, I killed all your friends. They were weak and I was strong, is that my fault in following the rule of battlefield?! All of you are weak, step forward and face me, I will kill every last one of you alliance bastards!"
Saki's eyes narrowed as the anger within her burned hotter. She had endured years of manipulation, training, and violence at the hands of the Empire, and now she stood here, a symbol of their cruelty and brutality. The faces in the crowd were a reflection of all the pain and suffering she had experienced. She felt an overwhelming need to unleash her fury upon them, to make them understand the depth of her anguish and the darkness that had been instilled within her.But amidst the rage, a flicker of clarity broke through. Saki realized that giving in to her anger and seeking vengeance would only perpetuate the cycle of violence and suffering. She remembered the Mistwalker's words about freedom, about making her own choices. In that moment, Saki made a decision.She took a deep breath, letting the rage dissipate, and dropped the broken scabbard from her hand. Her eyes softened as she looked at the crowd, no longer filled with hatred but with a newfound resolve. Saki had fought her way through the circle, proving her strength and surviving against all odds, but she refused to be defined by the Empire's cruelty any longer.With her head held high, Saki turned away from the crowd and walked toward the Mistwalker, signaling her choice to surrender and accept the Alliance's judgment. As she moved away from the circle, a mixture of astonishment, confusion, and even a hint of respect followed in her wake. Saki was determined to forge her own path, one that would lead her away from the darkness of her past and toward a future where she could find her own sense of freedom and redemption.

"... I... I don't even know where I came from... I don't even know where I am headed to... Please, can I just be nobody for once?"
After her outbursts, Saki fell on her knees, coughing up blood and everyone was standing there listening, and seeing the trueness in her presence. The 10th opponent stepped inside of circle; Saki was aware of that, but she couldn't even lift her head to see who it was. Tiny hands grabbed the dropped katana, it was a young girl, 12 at the most, barely holding the katana all while the tip of the blade is still dragging across the ground.Saki was responsible for the death of the young girl's father, presumably during the Ghimlyt Dark conflict, and the girl sought someone to blame. Saki looked into the girl's tear-filled eyes and was genuinely taken aback. The only emotions she saw were sadness and emptiness as the girl cried helplessly before her. The girl expressed a desire to fight Saki, but her lack of strength prevented her from even lifting the katana. She berated herself for her perceived weakness. In that moment, Saki finally understood what had been troubling her all along.Summoning the last reserves of her strength, Saki recalled the proper Doman sitting position and humbly groveled before her tenth opponent. This young girl had managed to awaken a sliver of humanity within Saki that she had believed was long gone. How arrogant she had been, willing to embrace a second chance despite her heinous actions. Saki could feel her life slipping away as her blood loss became overwhelming, yet she embraced the haziness enveloping her. Standing at death's doorstep, Saki relinquished everything she had left to her tenth opponent - her battle-worn scabbard, her battered body, her ability to fight, and her consciousness."I... give in, do what you must, I have lost."

Saki remained unconscious for several days, awakening on the 64th day to find that the war had ended and the Empire had fallen. The Mistwalker visited her upon hearing the news, and Saki immediately questioned why she was still alive despite surrendering to her tenth opponent. Yugiri simply shrugged, explaining that the young girl was too inexperienced and weak to take a life. In the midst of the war and the revelations of the Empire's atrocities, Saki's presence had been forgotten by many.The Mistwalker offered Saki the opportunity to join the alliance, stating that her skills and experience could be valuable. However, after careful consideration, Saki declined the offer, choosing not to become part of any organization that could potentially manipulate or use her again. Over the next few days, Saki focused on recovering from her weeks-long confinement to bed. People would stare at her out of fear, but she noticed that the hatred had dissipated. It was then she realized that the war was truly over. Some children visited the infirmary in search of Saki, who had gained a somewhat infamous reputation as "The Scabbard Queen" for her ability to defeat influential warriors with just a scabbard. While people did not forget her actions, they now understood the context in which she had acted.With her mind and body restored, Saki made the decision to leave. Yugiri returned all of Saki's Garlean equipment and presented her with a bike as a parting gift, congratulating her for finally living her own life. Saki calmly made a small request of Yugiri, a genuine act of asking for a favor for the first time in her life. She asked Yugiri to inform the young girl that she was sorry for everything that had transpired and expressed her gratitude for being alive thanks to the girl. Saki also invited the girl, should she seek vengeance, to find Saki at any time. The Mistwalker was taken aback by the request, but she nodded in acknowledgment, agreeing to fulfill Saki's wish."Should we meet again, are we gonna be friends?"
~Yugiri the Mistwalker

Having embarked on a new journey, Saki embraced her second chance at life. For the past 20 years, she had been raised as a weapon of the Garlean Empire, trained to follow orders and kill without question. Now, she decided to travel across Eorzea and discover what the world had to offer before finding a place to settle down. She wanted to leave behind the reminders of her past, particularly the Kugane and Doman territories that held painful memories of her former life.Saki discovered a newfound appreciation for food during her travels. In the Garlean Empire, she had been served mysterious meat without questioning its origin, thanks to the stimulants that coursed through her body. However, she later learned that the Garleans had a lalafell farm where they grew lab-grown lalafells for food. This revelation shook her and the rest of Eorzea.As Saki indulged in delicious delicacies throughout Eorzea, she found herself spending a significant portion of her gil on food. Many people wondered how she managed to consume such vast quantities, and it made her ponder as well. Perhaps it was the magitek technology within her that allowed her to devour food so voraciously. Only the gods knew the true answer. Despite her own needs, Saki took on limited mercenary jobs or acted as a hired gun, particularly when it involved protecting the weak or young.Continuing her journey on her bike, Saki eventually arrived in Limsa Lominsa, the bustling city on the other side of Eorzea."Excuse me, what is that you are cooking over there?"

The sea breeze in Limsa Lominsa delighted Saki, as she reveled in the saltiness of the air. She believed that this coastal city was the perfect place to settle down and lay aside her weapons for a while. With the gil she had accumulated during her year of traveling, she was able to purchase a comfortable medium-sized home in the Mist, a residential district of Limsa Lominsa.Retiring from her nomadic lifestyle, Saki no longer needed to fight for money in Limsa Lominsa. Instead, she delved into pursuits that brought her joy. She took up cooking, primarily for her own pleasure, and also developed her skills in music and photography. Saki discovered a natural talent for playing duets with her Miqo'te partner, and her photography skills were unmatched in the market. The demand for her photographs was so high that she had to limit her orders and raise her fees substantially.During her exploration of her old Garlean equipment, Saki made an interesting discovery. She found that the essence of Aether could be infused into her photographs, bringing them to life with a shimmering aura that lasted indefinitely. However, she had to be cautious, as even a slightly excessive amount of Aether could cause the photos to explode dramatically. Sometimes, Saki could be seen with bandages on her hands from such mishaps.
Presently, Saki continues to reside in Limsa Lominsa, pursuing her passion for photography. While she is still refining her social skills, her photography allows her to connect with people effortlessly. She can confidently say that she is content with her life—a life of normalcy where she can be a "nobody," free from the battlefield and embracing the freedom to pursue her own desires as a free spirit. Limsa Lominsa. She is still picking up her social skills but thanks to her photography, she gets around people just fine these days. She can say that she is quite happy with her life now, a normal life where she can finally be 'nobody', free from the battlefield, doing whatever she wants to do as a free spirit, hunting and eating lalas time to time,
"Greetings friend, you can call me Saki, or photosmith."

Gallery (Update Soon)

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Copyright © 2022 Saki The'Photosmith'ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDCarrd designed by Trevicarus